Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Recipe: Get your contacts back after you lost your phone

You lost your phone, and all your contacts are gone? Use, to get them all back—hassle-free, and without having to piece together information from hundreds of emails, texts, and Facebook comments.

Create the fetch

  • Go to and log in (or sign up if you don't have an account yet).
  • Click on the outbox and create a new fetch by clicking on the green plus symbol.
  • Skip the first section, and click on Basic Information to complete that section with a title and a short description for your contacts to see.
  • Now scroll down and click on the Data section. Fill it out similar to what is shown below—you can change the data elements (KPIs in to your liking. Maybe add a data element for the Skype user name?
    In case you added an element by mistake, remove it with the cross/trash symbol on the right-hand side.
  • Click on Go Fetch It at the top to finish your work. You should see the fetch in your workspace now. Now, we need to create an access link. Click on the title ("Felix' phone book" in my example) to open the fetch again.
  • Click on Public invite link to get a link. That's your public invite link for this fetch. Everybody who has the link can provide their data to you. Post it to your Facebook, for example.
Now, you can sit back and relax. Your friends can provide you their contact data, and they don't even have to create an account!

Get the results

    Whenever you're curious about the progress, just log in to again, and open the fetch. You'll see the status of everybody who has replied. Click on Export to Excel (simple) to download it all and use it in your Android phone (Google Contacts), Outlook, or your iPhone.

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